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Why isn't this audio file being read with sf_read_double?

I am trying to separate each subdivision of a drum sequence into a separate array inside a 2d array (rows for which subdivision, columns for data in each subdivision). I determine how many samples per subdivision earlier in the code with user specifications on tempo and desired subdivision. I feel that I've a somewhat reasonable method for figuring out the size of the input file in samples (first section shown). My question is: as is, the sf_read_double while loop will not run. It is only when I multiply "buflen" by 2 (perhaps number of channels) that the loop runs. And when it does run the the loop goes past the total number of samples calculated and results in a sug fault. What am I doing wrong in this code?

double framesArray[sfinfo.frames];
int numframes = (sizeof(framesArray)/sizeof(double));
int totalSamps = numframes * sfinfo.channels;
int totalSubdivisions = totalSamps / sampsPerSubdivision;
int buflen = sampsPerSubdivision;

int i;
double** choppeddata = (double**) malloc(totalSubdivisions * sizeof(double**));
for (i = 0; i < totalSubdivisions; i++)
    choppeddata[i] = (double*) malloc(buflen * sizeof(double*));
double* buffereddata = (double*) malloc(buflen * sizeof(double*));
double* outdata = (double*) malloc(totalSamps * sizeof(double*));

int j = 0, k = 0, sampnum = 0;
while ((readcount = sf_read_double (infile, buffereddata, buflen)))
    for (k = 0; k < buflen; k++)
        choppeddata[j][k] = buffereddata[k];


Shouldn't sampsPerSubdivision be casted ? I suppose it has been declared as int . In which case you would need something like:

int totalSubdivisions = (int)(totalSamps / (double)sampsPerSubdivision);

So totalSubdivisions could be wrong... Anyway, this wouldn't explain why your buflen doesn't fit well the data to be read. My guess is that sampsPerSubdivision is not correct in the first place.

I couldn't say more. Hope this can help...

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