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Share Link with Picture URI on Facebook in Wp7

I am using the following parameters to Post a Link along with the picture uri to Facebook. But the thumbnail picture gets cropped. How can i solve this?

var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();          
parameters.Add("link", link);
parameters["picture"] = picUri;
parameters.Add("caption", "");
parameters.Add("message", "haha");
parameters.Add("name", Title);
client.PostAsync("me/feed", parameters);

I have attached the original image and the image shared.



Add "action" parameter . The Image will not be cropped. Please refer this link .

        Dictionary<string, string> action1 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        action1.Add("name", "View on");
        action1.Add("link", link);

        parameters.Add("actions", action1);

You should resize the image to make it a perfect square, eg 250x250, so Facebook renders it correctly. Otherwise, Facebook will always crop the image.

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