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Ruby On Rails, gem mail, pass variables to html_part

I am using gem mail for sending emails from my ruby application.

def send_results(user_id,filenames)


    mail=Mail.new do
        from "lalal.de"
        html_part do
        body File.read("/home/kik/Desktop/lal/app/views/user_mailer/analysis_process_email.html.erb") 

"/home/kik/Desktop/lal/app/views/user_mailer/analysis_process_email.html.erb" is aa html template, where I need to pass the variable filenames.

It looks something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <div id="wrapper_mail">
            <div id="wrapper_mail_top">
                <h4>Welcome </h4>
                <br />

                <br />

                <br />
                Your files are: <%= filenames %><br />
                <br />
            </div><!-- end wrapper_top -->

So, I want to display the content of the the variable filenames in the email but it does not work and I do not know how to make it works. Thanks in advance

I had some similar issues. Here's my setup that solved it:

def feedback_notice(message)
  @sender = message.sender_id
  @message = message.content
  template = ERB.new(File.read('app/views/user_mailer/feedback_notice.text.erb')).result(binding)

  mail = Mail.new do 
    from    'from@email.com'
    to      'to@email.com'
    subject 'My Subject Line'
    body     template

Seems like the .result(binding) fixed it for me.

In the file app/views/user_mailer/feedback_notice.text.erb I was able to access the variables @sender and @message

May be this will help you:

File.read("/home/kik/Desktop/lal/app/views/user_mailer/analysis_process_email.html.erb").gsub("<%= filenames %>", "cat").


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