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Change file name Laravel 4

How can I change name of uploaded file in Laravel 4. So far I have been doing it like this:

$file = Input::file('file'); 
$destinationPath = 'public/downloads/';
if (!file_exists($destinationPath)) {
    mkdir("./".$destinationPath, 0777, true);
$filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();

But if I have 2 files with the same name I guess it gets rewritten, so I would like to have something like (2) added at the end of the second file name or to change the file name completely

The first step is to check if the file exists. If it doesn't, extract the filename and extension with pathinfo() and then rename it with the following code:

$img_name = strtolower(pathinfo($image_name, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
$img_ext =  strtolower(pathinfo($image_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));

$filecounter = 1; 

while (file_exists($destinationPath)) {
    $img_duplicate = $img_name . '_' . ++$filecounter . '.'. $img_ext;
    $destinationPath = $destinationPath . $img_duplicate;  

The loop will continue renaming files as file_1 , file_2 etc. as long as the condition file_exists($destinationPath) returns true.

I know this question is closed, but this is a way to check if a filename is already taken, so the original file is not overwriten:

(... in the controller: ... )

$path = public_path().'\\uploads\\';
$extension = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$original_filename = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$new_filename = $this->getNewFileName($original_filename, $extension, $path);
$upload_success = Input::file('file')->move($path, $new_filename);

this function get an "unused" filename:

public function getNewFileName($filename, $extension, $path){
    $i = 1;
    $new_filename = $filename.'.'.$extension;
    while( File::exists($path.$new_filename) )
        $new_filename = $filename.' ('.$i++.').'.$extension;
    return $new_filename;

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