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How to make a Div with a Rails Link clickable?

I have a large div:

.limeskin:hover {
  background: #eee;
  cursor: pointer;
  display: block;

that I want to be clickable. Because I'm using Rails I need to have a Rails link be clickable: For example

<%= link_to 'Edit Your Email Address', edit_user_path %>

I'm struggling to this.

Here is the whole block:

<% @user.posts.each do |post| %>
     <div class="lists">
      <ol class="limeposts">
        <div class="limeskin">
          <div class="limebox">
            <div class="limecost">
              <%= number_to_currency(post.price, :unit => "R") %><br>
<% end %>

Any simple legal workable answers?


link_to can accept a block:

<%= link_to root_path do %>
<% end %>

This will surround the div with <a> tags.

Documentation: http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/UrlHelper/link_to

Or if you have a big div and want to make it "clickable", using jQuery:

# html.erb
<div class="limeskin">
  <div class="limebox">
    <div class="limecost">
      <%= number_to_currency(post.price, :unit => "R") %><br>

# jQuery.js
$('.limeskin').click( function(event) {
  var clicked_div = $(this);
  # do stuff with the event object and 'this' which 
  # represent the element you just clicked on

jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Lxw34w5o/1/

使用 javascript(我推荐 jQuery)使动作真正发生,使用 CSS hover选择器修改 div 背景和光标(将光标从箭头更改为手形)。

Using Link_to as below would be sufficient even when you have a big block including multiple tags:

<%= link_to desired_path do %>
    <div class="linkable">
        <another div>
             ... some other tags
        </another div>
<% end %>

and I recommend you to use a different background color for mouse over events because it shows the viewer that it's a link!

In you .css file:

    background-color: red;


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