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Change git remote origin

On github, I've forked a project from its original source original/project-name so now I have a remote repo on github myusername/project-name . I would now like to switch my github repo to use a contributors fork contributor/project-name . How can I do this?

As already noted in the comments, it's as simple as

git remote set-url origin https://github.com/contributor/project-name.git

An alternative you may want to consider is to create a second remote for the fork.

git remote add fork https://github.com/contributor/project-name.git

If you want to keep the fork up-to-date with the original repo, you can refer to my answer to this question .

Gabriele's answer provides the quickest and most concise option, but you could alternatively edit the .git/config file to change the remote. Possibly a better choice would be to add another remote all together as done by



git remote add test https://github.com/username/test-project.git

where "test" becomes the name of your new remote. You would then push to the remote repo using "test" instead of "origin"

git push -u test BRANCH_NAME

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