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Setinterval won't work with text

hello I'm Coding a plug in for j Query but the problem i have to use the function $.now() anyway when i use it with alert() it works perfectly, but when i put it in a code it doesn't show anything and the text() works in plug-in also but the only problem is when i use the function set interval now thing shows up i have tried this code:




it doesn't work but when i use alert it works so what i have to do?

You lose the context when inside the setinterval call back function. You can do this way.

//.. some event

var $this = $(this);


//.. code follows

Or with $.proxy you can set the context.


Or with Ecmascript 5 Function.prototype.bind ( Support for IE8 and below only through the shim mentioned in the document )


Here is a demo with all the three options

What does this refer to? Suggest you put the actual selector instead of this. Inside a function, the value of this can vary

var obj = $(".text");

obj acts as a closure here

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