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How to change Tableview's custom cell width dynamically ?

I have a table view and its every cell`s width say 1024px , so my requirement is after clicking a cell tableview's width will change logically. And my table view is bit complex. Every cell contains a custom view which is defined in another class. Please help me..

I do not believe there is a way to modify a single cell's width without changing the width of the table view, only height using tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: .

Therefore, you might want to change the width of the custom view inside your cell.

First, to get the cell in question, call cellForRowAtIndexPath: on your table view wherever you need (if you want to change the width on tap, that would probably be in your tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: ).

To access your custom view, you may give your custom view a tag number inside of the UITableViewCell by setting the custom view's tag property when creating the cell or in the storyboard. Then, call viewWithTag: on the UITableViewCell instance to get the custom view, and modify the width of its frame property.

Another, perhaps more suitable option would be to use a custom UITableViewCell class for your table view cells. That would mean subclassing UITableViewCell and creating a property for your custom view, which would allow you to access the custom subview through the getter and then change its frame property.

If you need the width of the custom view's container to change (which is currently your cell), simply embed the custom view inside a UIView and modify the UIView's width rather than the UITableViewCell 's instance in the same manner described above.

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