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Spying on asynchronous functions with jasmine

I'm using jasmine-node to test my server. I want to fake/bypass some validation related code in my user class. So I would set up a spy like this -

var user = {
  email: 'email@email.com',
  password: 'password'

spyOn(User, 'validateFields').andReturn(user);

However the validateFields function is asynchronous...

User.prototype.validateFields = function(user, callback) {

  // validate the user fields

  callback(err, validatedUser);

So I actually would need something like this which fakes a callback instead of a return -

var user = {
  email: 'email@email.com',
  password: 'password'

spyOn(User, 'validateFields').andCallback(null, user);

Is anything like this possible with Jasmine?

There are two ways for this. First you can spy and then get the args for first call of the spy and call thisfunction with your mock data:

spyOn(User, 'validateFields')
//run your code
User.validateFields.mostRecentCall.args[1](errorMock, userMock)

The other way would be to use sinonJS stubs .

sinon.stub(User, 'validateFields').callsArgWith(1, errorMock, userMock);

This will immediately call the callback function with the mocked data.


Sorry to respond with asynchronous 4 years delay, but I've been just wondering how to solve similar issue and figured out that I can combine jasmine done callback and and.callFake spy method. Consider the abstract sample below:

describe('The delayed callback function', function(){

  it('should be asynchronously called',function(done){
    var mock = jasmine.createSpy('mock');


function delayed(callback){

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