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Getting tag values with in the Tags from XML

I have below Xml file Content, I am trying to get values of <text> & <content .. /> tag which are inside the tag <navmap> ... </navmap> only.

I am using XmlDocument() of nameSpace using Windows.Data.Xml.Dom;

I worked with XmlDocument() earlier, But this type of XMl content is quite different, I am not getting idea which property I have to use for Tag value with in the tag.

    <navPoint id="navpoint-1" playOrder="1">
        <text>Title Page</text>
        <content src="000.html" />
    <navPoint id="navpoint-2" playOrder="2">
        <text>Main Text</text>
        <content src="01M.html" />

I am Working With Windows store apps using c# I tried like this..

            using Windows.Data.Xml.Dom;

            StorageFile tocFile = await finalfolder.GetFileAsync(tocFileValue);
            string fileContents1 = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(tocFile);
            string encodedContent1 = fileContents1.Replace("&nbsp;", "&#160;");
            XmlNodeList tocNodeList = tocDocument.GetElementsByTagName("navMap");
            foreach (XmlElement Element in tocNodeList)
                //Element is showing as null..

Who are Familiar with XmlDocument() of nameSpace using Windows.Data.Xml.Dom; give me Suggestion.


You can Simply do this...

 XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();

    XmlNodeList textlist = xml.GetElementsByTagName("text");
    XmlNodeList contentList = xml.GetElementsByTagName("content");

    for (int i = 0; i < textlist.Count; i++)
        string s1 = textlist[i].InnerText; //
    for (int j = 0; j < contentList.Count; j++)
        string s2 = contentList[j].InnerText;

U can get the text through this..string is taken just to show tht u can get the inner text..if you want to store all the values under text tag..use list and Add their innerText


for (int i = 0; i < textlist.Count; i++)
List<string> str=new list<string>();


same the case with content tag..

Hope This Helps..:)

With XmlDocument you could do the following...

XmlNodeList xnList = xd.SelectNodes("navMap/navPoint"); //xd being your xmldocument.   returns all "navPoint" nodes under navMap and navMap  is your root node
        foreach (XmlNode node in xnList)
            string retText = node["navLabel"]["text"].InnerText;                 // navLabel/text
            string retContentAtt = node["content"].Attributes["src"].Value;    // navPoint/content src=" 

I think this is what you are looking for. Hope it helps

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