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iOS collapse header section in UITableView?

I have a UITableView that has a header view that I want to use to display content. When no content exists, I want to hide the header view (which is a UIView class) and have the TableView Cells slide to the top of the view.

It's like

| ---------- |
| |        | |
| | header | |
| |        | |
| ---------- |
| ---------- |
| |  cell  | |
| ---------- |
|            |

When I call

[theHeaderView setHidden:YES]

The content in the header view disappears but the cells of my TableView remain halfway down the screen to where the header had pushed them. so i wind up with:

|            |
|   EMPTY    |
|   SPACE    |
|            |
|            |
| ---------- |
| |  cell  | |
| ---------- |
|            |

What is the proper way to hide the header view and have the table view cells move to the top of the screen?

and then i want to reopen my header later on with new content and push the cells down again.


You need to change the tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: rather than just making the header view hidden. I don't recall if this will animate when you reload the table ( reloadSections:withRowAnimation: ).

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