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Detect jquery reveal plugin modal close by esc key or clicking outside

I am using jquery reveal plugin for showing pop-up. I am looking for a way in jquery or javascript by which I can trigger an appropriate event when that popup was closed by pressing esc key or clicking outside of pop-up. Is there any way by which I can capture this event?

And on reveal plugin website only few options are given, like:

 animation: 'fadeAndPop',                   //fade, fadeAndPop, none
 animationspeed: 300,                       //how fast animtions are
 closeonbackgroundclick: true,              //if you click background will modal close?
 dismissmodalclass: 'close-reveal-modal'    //the class of a button or element that will close an open modal

Are there any more options for this plugin? If so, please provide me link for that.

According to the source an Event called 'reveal:close' is fired in both cases and you should be able to add your own handler for that event through

$yourModal.bind('reveal:close', function () {
  console.log('Modal closed');

When you need to know in which way it was closed you could use the 'reveal:open' event to add either a keyup event handler on the document-object or a click event handler on the .reveal-modal-bg element.

$yourModal.bind('reval:open', function () {
  var $document = $(document);
  $document.bind('keyup', function onEscHandler( event ) {
    if (event.which === 27) {
      console.log('closed by ESC');

      // Modal is closed, let's remove the handler again
      $document.unbind('keyup', onEscHandler);

  var $modal_bg = $('.reveal-modal-bg');
  $modal_bg.one('click', function onBgClidkHandler() {
    console.log('closed by click on BG');
    // We don't need to remove this handler since 'one' does it automatically.
  1. Open jquery.reveal.js .

  2. Add new option:

    var defaults = {
    animation: 'fadeAndPop', animationspeed: 300, closeonbackgroundclick: true, dismissmodalclass: 'close-reveal-modal' escape: true // true: modal close with Esc. false: modal no close with Esc };

  3. In the file jquery.validate , find the line that content e.which===27 .

    Complete line is:

    if(e.which===27){ modal.trigger('reveal:close'); }

  4. Modify and validate new option escape in this line:

    if(e.which===27 && options.escape === true){ modal.trigger('reveal:close'); }

  5. That's it. Now the escape option works.

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