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how to add more animations to the stage when clicking a button in flash

i want to add more fish to my flash fish tank by clicking a button..i tried this code but my fish animation is not getting animated after i click the button..and i'm using action script 3 ..

    function fl_MouseClickHandler_2(event:MouseEvent):void
    // Start your custom code
    // This example code displays the words "Mouse clicked" in the Output panel.
    trace("Mouse clicked");

    addChild(eat)   ;
    addChild(hello) ;
    addChild(f2)    ;
    addChild(f1)    ;
    // End your custom code


f1,f2,f3,eat,hello are my fishes..

This is my infinite scrolling code..all the fishes are in separate layers ..so for each layer i have put this code..by just changing the instance name and the function.

    f3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fnewm);
function fnewm(evt:Event)
    if(f3.x + f3.width <= 0) //movieclip is outside left side of stage
        //set new position
        f3.x = stage.stageWidth;
        f3.x -= 5;


As you "Mouse clicked" message don't show in console I can assume either of two options:

  1. Somehow you didn't setup event listener to the button;
  2. Your button is not on the top layer so the click is not registered because it is hidden by something.

I can't tell you exactly, but you can try manually set button's depth. More info on how to do it can be found here

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