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Python: Appending API Calls to Spreadsheet

I'll start out by saying I'm very new to Python and programming in general but am very hands on in my learning style.

I would like to use Python to:

  1. Gather an entire column of a spreadsheet into a list
  2. Call to Klout's API to (a) Get the Klout User ID and (b) Get the Klout Score
  3. Append those two variables in columns in the same spreadsheet

I have an API key, the spreadsheet data, Python, and the klout Python scripts

Thanks for your help!


Thanks to Lonely for his help with getting me this far. Now I just need to write my score results to a spreadsheet.

from xlrd import open_workbook
from klout import *
for screen_name in List1:
    kloutId = k.identity.klout(screenName=screen_name).get('id')
    score = k.user.score(kloutId=kloutId).get('score')
    print screen_name, score


Have successfully put Twitter Screennames back into a new spreadsheet. Can't seem to get scores to display correctly. It's also stopping at 30 (which happens to be the request per second limit for Klout). Here's what I have right now.

from xlrd import open_workbook
import xlwt
from klout import *
for screen_name in List1:
    kloutId = k.identity.klout(screenName=screen_name).get('id')
    score = k.user.score(kloutId=kloutId).get('score')
wbk = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet = wbk.add_sheet('sheet 1')
i = -1
for n in List1:
    i = i+1
b = 0
score1 = int(score)
for x in xrange(score1):
    b = b+1



With a ton of help from a personal contact who I credit most of the writing of this script too I now have a completed .py script.

from xlrd import open_workbook
import xlwt
from time import sleep
from klout import *

klout_con = Klout('API_KEY_HERE', secure=True)
book = open_workbook('PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE_HERE')
sheet0 = book.sheet_by_index(0)
List1 = sheet0.col_values(0)

wbk = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet = wbk.add_sheet('sheet 1')

row = 0
for screen_name in List1:
    klout_id = klout_con.identity.klout(screenName=screen_name).get('id')
    score = klout_con.user.score(kloutId=klout_id).get('score')
    sheet.write(row, 0, screen_name)
    sheet.write(row, 1, score)
    row += 1
    print screen_name

Thanks to the community and Adam who both helped me put this thing together. Was an excellent starter project.

To read excel... use XLRD

Take all id's in list format.

Read each one of them by using iteration like for i in list with Klout_APi like ...

score = k.user.score(kloutId=kloutId).get('score')

However a sample data would have been great...

Using xlrd you can read data from excel and xlwt for writing data to excels. Read their documentations. And for csv, there is a module csv in the standard library.

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