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Sonata - Admin User enabled by default

What I need to do is very simple:

Have the enabled checkbox checked by default at user creation time in the user admin edit form.

I have already extended SonataUserAdminBundle and done some successful modifications.

I tried to enable it in the extended User Entity

class User extends AbstractedUser implements UserInterface
    protected $enabled = true;

But nothing changes.

How to enable a user by default at creation time ?

Also I tried to check it from the user admin class

class UserAdmin extends BaseUserAdmin
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
            ->add('enabled', null
                , array('required' => false, 'checked' => 'yes'))

But not a good idea because it will always come checked.

You can set it in the constructor of your entity:

class User extends AbstractedUser implements UserInterface
    protected $enabled;
    public function __construct()
        $this->enabled = true;

Remember to call the parent constructor and set your option after that:

public function __construct()
    $this->enabled = true;

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