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Comparing two Dates using strtotime() in PHP

I have two variables containing strings of dates in the format

$four_days_have_passed = "07-14-2013";
$now = "07-10-2013";

I have checked the output in FirePHP and the dates are correct.

Then I try to compare them like this,

if (strtotime($now) < strtotime($four_days_have_passed))
  Do Stuff

Why does the code inside the IF statement never execute?

If you want to use MM/DD/YYYY format you need / separator.

$four_days_have_passed = "07/14/2013";
$now = "07/10/2013";

From the manual :-

Dates in the m/d/y or dmy formats are disambiguated by looking at the separator between the various components: if the separator is a slash (/), then the American m/d/y is assumed; whereas if the separator is a dash (-) or a dot (.), then the European dmy format is assumed.

The format (when used like that) is DD-MM-YYYY. There is no 14th month.

I see you accepted answer but just to make sure you understand. There are 2 cases that dates are parsed.

  1. American - month/day/year
  2. European - day.month.year or day-month-year

You have error because you provided european format "07-14-2013" and there's no 14 month in year.

The proper format for you is one of these:

  • 14-07-2013 - Europe
  • 14.07.2013 - Europe
  • 07/14/2013 - American

Morover, to compare datatime it's better to use object oriented solution and DataTime object. You can read more here.

The case of strtotime() function is the most easy way to handle using the format as yyyy-mm-dd . This is normal format in db date. If you use this format help easy for compare two dates.

In Europe, in particulary in France, we also use this format with the slash separator :


example for a french date : 26/08/2019

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