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ASP.NET MVC Url.Action creating Get not Post

I have:

public ActionResult Create(Guid appId)
    var vm = new CreateViewModel(appId);

    return View(vm);

public ActionResult Create(CreateViewModel vm)
    // this does some stuff

Now, in the View I use this for creating the Form:




How ever, it produces the wrong HTML:

<form action="/SomeController/Create?appId=414FDS-45F2SF-TEF234">

This is not what I want posted back, I don't want appId what so ever. Just the Create

How do you get around this?

You can use another overload of Html.BeginForm to explicitly specify the action you want:

@using(Html.BeginForm("Create", "SomeController"))


This will not append anything to the URL by default.

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