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Have child divs fill parent div with set proportions

I would like to create a function with jQuery/javascript that would fill a parent div with children divs of random sizes that add up the size of the parent.

For example, 10 child divs to fill a container div with proportions 1200px x 600px

<div class="container">
   <!-- 10 child divs with random height and width. -->

You can use a function which splits a rectangle into two subrectangles, and recursivelly split these.

  • When splitting a rectangle into two parts, if it must contain an even number N of subrectangles, each part will have N/2 subrectangles.
  • When splitting a rectangle into two, if it must contain an odd number of leaf subrectangles, the bigger part will have one more child than the other.

 function fillWithChilds(el, N) { function rand(n) { /* weight=100 means no random weight=0 means totally random */ var weight = 50; return Math.floor(weight*n/2+n*(100-weight)*Math.random())/100; } function main(N, x, y, hei, wid) { if(N < 1) return; if(N === 1) { var child = document.createElement('div'); child.className = 'child'; child.style.left = x + 'px'; child.style.top = y + 'px'; child.style.width = wid + 'px'; child.style.height = hei + 'px'; el.appendChild(child); return; } var halfN = Math.floor(N/2); if(wid > hei) { var newWid = rand(wid); if(2*newWid > wid) halfN = N-halfN; main(halfN, x, y, hei, newWid); main(N-halfN, x+newWid, y, hei, wid-newWid); } else { var newHei = rand(hei); if(2*newHei > hei) halfN = N-halfN; main(halfN, x, y, newHei, wid); main(N-halfN, x, y+newHei, hei-newHei, wid); } } main(N, 0, 0, el.clientHeight, el.clientWidth); } fillWithChilds(document.getElementById('wrapper'), 11); 
 #wrapper { background: #ccf; position: relative; height: 300px; width: 400px } .child { background: #cfc; outline: 2px solid red; position: absolute; } 
 <div id="wrapper"></div> 

The distributing will be a pain. I think there's a jQuery library out there that handles some of it... I'll poke around. This is a pretty fun problem, though.

Here's what I've go so far. It's a bit sparse.


The part that attempts to determine how many more components it should build is the rough part. I'm trying to keep this down to as few loops as possible:

var containerSize = getContainerSize();
var elementWidth = 0;
var elementHeight = 0;

// width
while (elementWidth < containerSize.x)
    var size = generateElement();
    elementWidth += size.x;
    elementHeight += size.y;        
// height, if not already full
while (elementHeight < containerSize.y)
    var size = generateElement();
    elementWidth += size.x;
    elementHeight += size.y; 

Cleaned it up a bit. Check the fiddle again: http://jsfiddle.net/twPQ7/2/

// determine the size of the container
var containerSize = getContainerSize();
var elementWidth = 0;
var elementHeight = 0;

// iteratively generate elements until we've hit the width of the container
while (elementWidth < containerSize.x)
    var size = generateElement();
    elementWidth += size.x;

    // keep track of the tallest element.
    if (size.y > elementHeight) elementHeight = size.y;
// iteratively generate elements until we've hit the height of the container
while (elementHeight < containerSize.y)
    var size = generateElement();
    elementHeight += size.y; 

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