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How do I read and print a generic internal table?

I'm pretty new to this. I'm currently studying abap for my job and I have a problem that I can't seem to work out. How would I go about creating a Function Module that takes any kind of internal table and write it to the screen? I'm looking for a very generic solution that can work with any kind of internal table as input.

This is the exact reason SAP has developed ALV (ABAP List Viewer). One of the shortest way to display any (non-nested) table is the following.

  DATA: go_alv  TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.

  CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
      r_salv_table = go_alv
      t_table      = itab.

  go_alv->display( ).

This would be the simplest way for a table whose line type is only flat data objects, taken from page 33 of This SAP Development Guide .

               <comp> TYPE ANY.

LOOP AT itab INTO <row>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE <row> TO <wa_comp>.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE <wa_comp>.

A more robust way would be to use introspection containing Run-Time Type Services, a set of classes that let you introspect the details of a data object. This would give you the details mentioned by vwegert. An even better option would be to put it in an ALV grid.

It is possible, but you have to think about a lot of stuff:

  • column widths, dynamically sizing columns
  • currency fields / fields with units
  • date formatting in a multi-lingual environment
  • tables may contain arbitrary data, including nested tables

All things considered, this is not a trivial task. This is best left to the existing components .

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