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Javascript Slider event handles

I am new to this site and I would like to know more how to handle events in slider with jquery-mobile. I've tried basic events like bind,slidestop, etc.. but nothing happens. I just want to get a prompt message when the slider value changes. Bellow is my code for JS and HTML.


  start: function(event,ui){ 
  stop: function(event,ui){ 


<label for="mstrbedroom">Dimmer</label>
<input name="mstrbedroom" id="mstrbedroom" min="0" max="100" value="50" type="range">

You're not binding any events. The on function requires the event parameter which is the first parameter, in this case I believe you want slide . Please read through: http://api.jquery.com/on/ .

Try the following and please go through (pretty much the whole page or at least the events section) http://api.jqueryui.com/slider/#event-slide :

    start: function(event,ui) {
    stop: function(event,ui) {

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