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Show a loading image is not working well

I have defined the following script as part of implementing paging :-

    var getPage = function () {
        var $a = $(this);
        var options = {
            url: $a.attr("href"),
            data: $("form").serialize(),
            type: "get"
        $.ajax(options).done(function (data) {
            var target = $a.parents("div.pagedList").attr("data-tms-target");
        return false;

$(document).ready(function () {

    $(".main-content").on("click", ".pagedList a", getPage);


And part of the mark-up is as follow:-

<div id="AuditTable">
<div class="pagedList" data-tms-target="#AuditTable">
                        @Html.PagedListPager(Model , page => Url.Action("Index",new { page }),

</div>  <img src="~/Content/Ajax-loader-bar.gif" class="loadingimage" id="progress2" />
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered bootstrap-datatable datatable">

The paging will work well , but the problem is that the


Will not show the hidden loading image during data retrieval, can anyone advice on this problem ?

Try these

  • You can load the image in your browser (eg http://yourdomain.com/Content/Ajax-loader-bar.gif ) If you can, consider writing full url as image src.
  • Try id as selector (eg $("#progress2).show(); )
  • If those are not leading you to anywhere you can put the image into a div, remove its class (assume that you hide it with css), .show(); and .hide(); within getPage function.


<div id="loadcontainer"><img src="Content/Ajax-loader-bar.gif" id="progress2" /></div>


var getPage = function () {
  var $a = $(this);
  var options = {
      url: $a.attr("href"),
      data: $("form").serialize(),
      type: "get"
  $.ajax(options).done(function (data) {
      var target = $a.parents("div.pagedList").attr("data-tms-target");
  return false;

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