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Extjs CheckboxModel - Checkonly not working in grid.plugin.CellEditing

I have grid panel with CheckboxModel in 有带有CheckboxModel的网格面板

selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
        checkOnly: true,
        mode: 'MULTI'

I have option checkOnly: true that mean

But when i click checkall like


and then i click then 'allchecked' change to 'uncheck' and only select this row like 然后将“全部选中”更改为“取消选中”,然后仅选择该行,例如


I want when i click a cell in Name column then all checkbox will not impact. How to do that? Thank

I think checkOnly config works only for Extjs 3.x version. You can try this approach :

listeners: {
        cellclick: function (sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) {
            clickedColIndex = cellIndex;
        beforedeselect: function (rowmodel, record, index, eOpts) {
           return (clickedColIndex == 0);

Here is the fiddle

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