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Getting Javascript Domain When Script Is From Another Domain

I am writing a script that is suppose to work across domains. I trying to include one script from another domain and then have that script include other scrips from the same domain

Example: Domain 1 - www.mydomain.com

       <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.example.com/app.js"></script>

Example App JS

var imported = document.createElement('script');
imported.src = window.location.host + 'config.js';

var imported = document.createElement('script');
imported.src = window.location.host + 'stuff.js';

The problem is window.location.host gives the domain that the script has been download to: www.mydomain.com . I wanted the domain that the script currently resides on, which is in this exmaple is www.example.com ?

Can this be done? And please no JQuery.

You can try this

if (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src) {
    var uri = new URL(document.currentScript.src);
    includeJsFile(uri.origin + '/static/script.js');

Please note that document.currentScript does not work on IE.


By reading your question again i would simply ask:

why dont you do that relatively to that js, say:

imported.src = 'config.js';

it will import the config.js that suppose to be a brother of app.js

regarding to the comments i apologise for mistake didnt understood the question.

here is an alternate method for newer browsers that works even with dom-adder-injected scripts, which sometimes are NOT the last script in a getElementsByTagName("script") collection:

(function(){ // script filename setter, leaves window.__filename set with active script URL.
 function fn(e,u){self.__filename=u;}
 setTimeout(function(){detachEvent("onerror", fn)},20);
 Object.defineProperty( window, "__filename", { configurable: true, get:function __filename(){
    return "http://" + 
     String(y.fileName || y.file || y.stack || y + '')
 }})//end __filename
}//end if old IE?

UPDATE: more comprehensive support added: TESTED IN IE9(s+q), IE9 as IE8 (s+q), FF, Ch

i don't know of a different way, other than manually sniffing script tag .SRCs to match a hard-coded string, yuck.

quick demo: http://danml.com/pub/getfilenamedemo2.html linked script: http://danml.com/js/filename2.js

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