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Acess iframe content (in firefox plugin javascript)

I'm writing a firefox plugin who open an iframe in webpages. I want to select object in the iframe, but i can't access content:

var iframe = content.document.getElementById("MyBeautifulIframe");
if (iframe)
  var mydiv = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("mydiv");

Erreur : TypeError: iframe.contentDocument is undefined

I tryed with iframe.content.document.getElemen... , iframe.document.getElemen... same result.

How access iframe dom ? If i look iframe var type, it's [object XrayWrapper [object XULElement]] , how access dom objects of XULElement object ?

Updated answer:

Took a look at your code and i think i may have found your problem.

You are doing:

var iframe = content.document.getElementById("muzich_iframe_addcontainer");
if (iframe)
  if (iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("div"))

muzich_iframe_addcontainer is a div, not the iframe, so it never has contentDocument. Additionally, i couldn't make it work by creating xul elements. I had to create html div and iframe to make it work.

Here's the code:

var htmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
var container = document.createElementNS(htmlns,'div');
container.setAttribute("id", "muzich_iframe_addcontainer");
container.setAttribute("style", styleContainer); //styleContainer is the one you use without the background stuff

var iframe = document.createElementNS(htmlns,'iframe');
iframe.setAttribute("id", "muzich_iframe");
    "width: 100%; height: 100%; "

iframe.setAttribute("src", "http://www.lifehacker.com"); // Used it as my example url

Then, when you want to check to close you do:

var iframe = window.content.document.getElementById("muzich_iframe");
if (iframe)
  if (iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("div"))

Hope this one solves it for you.

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