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sharing on google Plus stream without showing sharing dialog box

Google Plus sharing.

Hi! in my app i have integrated google + using google developer site' tutorials. it singned in and sharing on google + successfully .when user taped to share button a share dialog box is open and has to tap share button on that and after sharing it return to app.

but i required that when user taped to share button in my app . it should not to show any sharing dialog but share on successfully on Google + in background of showing my own loading view.how can i do this Please help me with a full description or some tutorials on that

thanks in advance

Not yet. The current SDK uses Google plus app installed on device OR Chrome OR Safari for sharing.

For more refer

Google + iPhone API sign in and share without leaving app

iOS Google Plus API - Sharing or Logging In without going to Safari

The behavior is deliberate - Google is trying to avoid frictionless sharing of content, which could be done without user consent, and spamming from junk posts. A single share button, implemented by you, is equivalent to allowing a program to submit whatever content it wants whenever it wants.

Google also wants to give people the ability to share content privately to one or several of their circles. Since you don't have access to what circles they may have, the only kind of sharing you can provide would be a public share, and this violates some of the privacy/sharing designs in Google+.

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