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Re-activating click event after AJAX call

I've made a webpage that dynamically gets new data through Ajax whenever an user has clicked more then two times on a random link (href). Every single click that is made I need to detect the id of the clicked button. This is done by this bit of code:

$(document).on("click", ".buttonsMainpage", function(event) {
        numberOfClicks += 1;
        idOfWebsite = event.target.id || this.event.srcElement;

Now the problem rises whenever I've did more then two clicks and my Ajax function refreshes my DIV's content. This is done by this function:

function haallinks() {
    $.ajax({type: "GET",
        async: false,
        url: site_url + "/index/readWebsiteLinks",
        data: {id: $('#categorieId').val()},
        success: function(result) {

Somehow everytime my ajax gets the new data and puts it in my div (#resultaat) I cannot detect my ID's anymore. Without further ado this is my FULL code, so you can see the whole picture:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var focusedOrNot = 2;
    var idOfWebsite;
    var bothEventsOrOne = 0;
    var numberOfClicks = 0;
    function haallinks() {
        $.ajax({type: "GET",
            async: false,
            url: site_url + "/index/readWebsiteLinks",
            data: {id: $('#categorieId').val()},
            success: function(result) {

    function websiteTellerVerhogenInDb() {
        $.ajax({type: "POST",
            url: site_url + "/index/websiteCount",
            data: {id: idOfWebsite}

    function styleSwitcher() {
        var cId = $('#categorieId').val();
        if (cId == 3)
            $("link[kleur=true]").attr("href", thema_url + "red.css");
        if (cId == 0)
            $("link[kleur=true]").attr("href", thema_url + "purple.css");

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#categorieId").change(function() {

    $(document).on("click", ".buttonsMainpage", function(event) {
        numberOfClicks += 1;
        idOfWebsite = event.target.id || this.event.srcElement;
        if (numberOfClicks >= 2)
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 2000);
            numberOfClicks = 0;

    function userOnWebsiteOrNot()
        if (focusedOrNot === 0)
            window.setTimeout(function() {
            }, 3000)

    function controlerenActiefOfNiet()
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 2000);

    window.addEventListener('focus', function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            document.title = 'focused';
            focusedOrNot = 0;
        }, 300);

    window.addEventListener('blur', function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            document.title = 'not focused';
            focusedOrNot = 1;
        }, 300);

    function showTextMessage()
        setTimeout(function() {
            if (bothEventsOrOne == 0)
                $('#tekstNewButtons').html('<h3>You have new buttons!<h3> ').fadeIn(3000).slideUp(3000).fadeOut(3000);
                bothEventsOrOne += 1;
                $('#tekstNewButtons').html('<h3>You have new buttons!<h3> ').slideDown(0).slideUp(3000).fadeOut(3000);
        }, 1000);

The HTML/PHP part:

<div id="resultaat">
            for ($teller = 1; $teller < 21; $teller++) {
                $website = $websites[$teller];
                echo "<td><a class=\"buttonsMainpage\" href=\"$website->websitelink\" target='_blank' id=\"$website->id\"></a></td>";
                if ($teller % 5 == 0 && $teller > 0 && $teller < 20) {
                    echo "</tr><tr>";

Short version: Every time I click on a button in the div #resultaat I can get its ID because of the id=\\"$website->id\\">, but whenever my AJAX got new data for my div #resultaat the click event cannot detect those ID's anymore. Does anybody have any clue on how to fix this or does anybody have an idea?

Thank you, Yenthe

Can you try:

$("body").on("click", ".buttonsMainpage", function(event) {
    numberOfClicks += 1;
    idOfWebsite = event.target.id || this.event.srcElement;

Also remove that $('#resultaat').bind('click'); in ajax success because it doesn't do anything useful.

If you don't want to track .buttonsMainpage anywhere else on body, just be as specific as possible on the selector of the click event, as long as that element is not dynamic. It might even be $("#resultaat").on("click", ... if that link exist in #resultaat div only.

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