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Changing a cell in a row of a DataGrid(WPF) is changing cells in rows below

I am trying to change the Background of some errorneous data containing cells in a WPF DataGrid by using this code:

DataGridRow gridRow = dgInventory.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(0) as DataGridRow;
DataGridCell cell = dgInventory.Columns[1].GetCellContent(gridRow).Parent as DataGridCell;

cell.Background = Brushes.Gray;

gridRow.IsSelected = true;

However, upon doing this, the above change of background-color change is occuring to cells in the same column, periodically after every 14 (aprox.) rows as I scroll down the DataGrid . It is only intended to modify the Background of a single row. Can someone please provide a fix to this problem? Thanks in advance.

Try using this:

<DataGrid Name="SimpleDataGrid" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="False" ... />

for scrolls in terms of physical units. It DataGrid CanContentScroll it is enabled by default.

For more information see MSDN .

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