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create a new sheet by using macro in excel 2007

I am just a new beginer and want to create a new spreatsheet by using Macro. i have the code like these.My code did copy the Blank From but the new sheet's width and heigh are different from the origianl one(Blankform) and i want

  1. lock the column B6--down and Column I6--down.

  2. is it possible i can create a pop window and ask the name of the new sheet and name the new spreadsheet.

It should be simple for most of people here but for me i really hard. So please help.


Sub CreateNewSheet()

Sheets("Blank form").Select
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add after:=ActiveSheet
Sheets("Blank form").Range("a1:f281").Copy
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets("Blank form").Select
End Sub

Try this

Sub CreateNewSheet()
dim sName as string
Sheets("Blank form").copy after:=activesheet

sname=inputbox("Enter new sheet name")
on error resume next
if err<>0 then msgbox "Name not valid"
on error goto 0

End Sub

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