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How can I build a div that displays the .scrollTop value of the body?

On my webpage I've got the following div:

<div style="position:fixed; z-index:100;"></div>

I'm trying to write a script that will return the current .scrollTop value of the body within the above div (eg, if I'm scrolled 100px down the body, I would like the div to simply read: "100"), but I'm having a lot of trouble grasping .scrollTop and have no clue where to even start. Any help?

You'll need a timing loop to continuously display the value:

<div id="a">0</div>


var showScroll = setInterval(function() {
     document.getElementById('a').innerHTML = (document.body.scrollTop)                                 

I'm assuming you're using jQuery here. You can bind a listener to the scroll event and have it replace the content of your div with the result of scrollTop() , like this:

var div = $("div"); //Replace this selector with an ID for your div
$(document).scroll(function() {

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