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Utilizing the same view for edit and view in ASP.net MVC

I have a controller action as follows

public ActionResult OpenForm()
    return View("Index");

And my View is as follows [Index.cshtml]

@model BusinessProcess.Models.HelloworldTO
@using (Html.BeginForm())

    @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Response_Borrower)
    @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Response_Borrower)

Now the problem is I am using the same view for both "Edit" and "View". Now under certain circumstances I want the user to only "View" the data and convert the @Html.EditorFor to be @Html.DisplayFor . Is there any way to do it without creating another view?


public class HelloworldTO()
   public bool Edit {get; set;}


@model BusinessProcess.Models.HelloworldTO
@if (Model.Edit)
   @using (Html.BeginForm())

      @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Response_Borrower)
      @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Response_Borrower)

    @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Response_Borrower)


public ActionResult OpenForm()
    HelloworldTO model = new HelloworldTO ();
    model.Edit = /*certain circumstances*/;
    return View("Index", model);


  public class Model1
    public bool SameView { get; set; }

    public bool Response_Borrower { get; set; }



@model CodeProjectAnswers.Models.Model1

@if (Model.SameView) {

// Do what you want 

} else { // code for the display


and in the controller some like below

  public ActionResult Sample()

        Model1 model = new Model1();

        if (model.SameView)
            // Set it to false and what is ur condition 
            model.SameView = true;

        return View("Sample", model);


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