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C# minmax graph search

EDIT 3: Okay, so i got my code to work, but i'm facing a huge memory consumption problem if i'm using let's say 16 nodes and a search depth above 11.

an soemone check the code and tell me how can i correct that memory leak?

Here's the full code:

public void searchTSP(
    int depth,
    RouterPoint startpoint,
    bool isRound,
    IRouter<RouterPoint> router)
  #region TSP_startpointCheck
  if (!routepoints[0].Location.Equals(startpoint.Location))
    int index = Array
      .FindIndex(routepoints, x => x.Location == startpoint.Location);

    if (index != -1 && index != 0) //it's somewhere in the array
      RouterPoint temprp = routepoints[0];
      routepoints[0] = routepoints[index]; //put it to index 0
      routepoints[index] = temprp;
    else //it's not in the array
      //we add it...
      RouterPoint[] ta = new RouterPoint[routepoints.Length + 1];
      routepoints.CopyTo(ta, 0);
      ta[routepoints.Length] = startpoint;
      ta.CopyTo(routepoints, 0);

  selectedRouter = router;
  if (pathDictionary == null)
    pathDictionary = new Dictionary<int[], double>(new IntArrayComparer());

  DecisionPath bestPath = new DecisionPath();
  //DecisionPath currentPath = new DecisionPath();
  //List<DecisionPath> listOfPaths = new List<DecisionPath>();
  //List<int> visited = new List<int>();
  //List<RouterPoint> waypoints = routepoints.ToList();

  DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
  RouteNode root = new RouteNode();
  root.parent = null;
  root.curr = 0;
  root.weight = 0.0f;
  root.isTerminal = false;
  root.memory = new List<short>();

  double bestval=double.MaxValue;
  while (bestPath.list.Count < routepoints.GetLength(0))
    bestval = double.MaxValue;
    int bestIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < root.children.Count; i++)
      RouteNode child = root.children[i];
      double t = minimax(child, depth);
      if (t < bestval)
        bestval = t;
        bestIndex = i;
        bestPath.cost = bestval;
        bestPath.list = child.memory;

    RouteNode temp = root.children[bestIndex];
    root = root.children[0];

  //My result is in the bestPath class 
  // which has two properties: a list of indexes
  // representing my found result node sequence
  // and a double containing the total cost of the path

class RouteNode
  public RouteNode parent { get; set; }
  public short curr { get; set; }
  public bool isTerminal { get; set; }
  public float weight { get; set; }
  public List<RouteNode> children { get; set; }
  public List<short> memory { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// List of all children of a node that should be removed
/// </summary>
private List<RouteNode> killList;

/// <summary>
/// MiniMax recursive search for deciding witch ode to go to
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point">Input node</param>
/// <param name="depth">How deep will we search</param>
/// <returns>Weight value</returns>
private double minimax(RouteNode point, int depth)
  if (point.isTerminal || depth <= 0)
    //if (point.isTerminal)
    if (point.weight < bestyVal)
      bestyVal = point.weight;
      //    "{0} - {1}",
      //    string.Join(", ", point.memory.ToArray()),
      //    point.weight.ToString());

    return point.weight;

  double alpha = double.PositiveInfinity;
  if (point.children == null || point.children.Count == 0 )

  killList = new List<RouteNode>();
  for (int i=0; i< point.children.Count; i++)
    RouteNode child = point.children[i];
    if (child != null)
      if (!child.isTerminal && child.weight > bestyVal)
        child = null;

      alpha = Math.Min(alpha, minimax(child, depth - 1));

  point.children.RemoveAll( e => killList.Contains(e));
  //killList = null;
    return alpha;

/// <summary>
/// Calculates possible children for a node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">Input node</param>
private void calculateChildren(RouteNode node)
  int c = node.curr;
  List<int> possibleIndexes = Enumerable
      .Range(0, routepoints.GetLength(0))

  RouteNode curNod = node;

  if (node.children == null)
    node.children = new List<RouteNode>();

  while (curNod != null)
    curNod = curNod.parent;
  //imamo še neobiskane potomce...
  foreach (int i in possibleIndexes)
    RouteNode cc = new RouteNode();
    cc.curr = (short)i;
    cc.parent = node;
    double temp=0.0;
    if (!pathDictionary.TryGetValue(new int[] { node.curr, i }, out temp))
      //preracunajPoti(node.curr, i, selectedRouter);
      throw new Exception(
              "Missed a path? {0} - {1}",

    cc.weight = cc.parent.weight + (float)temp;
    cc.memory = node.memory.ToList();

    if (possibleIndexes.Count == 1)
      cc.isTerminal = true;
      cc.isTerminal = false;

  //jih dodamo
  possibleIndexes = null;    

Just throwing in my two cents on this, @mao47 is dead on, in that there is not a memory leak just a massive amount of memory needed.

I came across this thread when looking for reading on MinMax searching and it is worth adding there is a fair bit of work out there on optimizing MinMax and other algorithms. I found this paper useful reading for example (language was reasonably understandable given my personal rate of academic decay and time t since I finished school).

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