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How Do I run Localhost?

Hi I would like to figure out how i can run local host. I keep getting an error of Port 480. My page is unable to load. I check my browser compatibility already.Cheers.


From here :

Listen and ServerName directive in \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf for Port 80
Listen, <VirtualHost> and ServerName directive in \xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf for Port 443

You need to change the observed ports in your XAMPP control panel v3 settings too.

or if the problem is skype:

" Why don't you configure Skype not to use ports 80 and 443? Thats a simply checkbox in the Skype configuration. "

Explanation here:


Skype >tools>options>advanced>connections > untick use port 80 and 443 as alternatives - restart skype


Stop Teamviewer / Skype. Check if your firewall blocks the port. Check if u correctly started the apache webserver.

And then you can reach your localhost via or http://localhost

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