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sublime text 3 and package control

I installed sublime text 3 editor and package control on my computer, but many of the packages only work on sublime text 2. However, I read articles on how branching to st3 could be a work around. But, I have no idea what that means, how can one branch to st3?

请按照以下说明操作: https//packagecontrol.io/installation

Do you mean in Package Control or for other packages? For Package Control, you need to manually clone the git repo. Then do git checkout python3 . For installing packages, you need to add the branch URLs as an external repository. For example, one of my plugins that I have a ST3 branch on is AdvancedNewFile. To install the ST3 branch, I would have do the following.

  1. In the command palette search for "Package Control: Add Repository"
  2. In the input panel, insert https://github.com/skuroda/Sublime-AdvancedNewFile/tree/ST3
  3. Install AdvancedNewFile normally through package control.

The URL can be found by clicking the Branch dropdown on github and selecting the appropriate branch.

If you want to use a Sublime 2 Package on Sublime 3, you can install the Package Manager as described here .

Then CTRL+ALT+P > Package Control: Add Repository > Paste the GitHub (or repository) URL > Install the package normally.

This doesn't guarantee the package will work, so you must check if there's a branch or something which is compatible with Sublime 3. I did that with freewizard/SublimeFormatSQL since one of the commits said 'Added Sublime Text 3 support', and it worked.

Sublime tries to write some config files to your .conf directory located in /home/{username}/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages but it hasn't writing permission.
So try:

chmod -R 777 /home/{username}/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages

Open the console and try to paste to code for sublime text 3.

Manual Installation

If for some reason the console installation instructions do not work for you (such as having a proxy on your network), perform the following steps to manually install Package Control:

  1. Click the Preferences > Browse Packages… menu and close sublime text 3
  2. Browse up a folder and then into the Installed Packages/ folder
  3. Download Package Control.sublime-package and copy it into the Installed Packages/ directory
  4. go to this address https://github.com/wbond/package_control/blob/master/Package%20Control.sublime-settings copy the code
  5. open the copied downloaded "Package Control.sublime-package" in Installed Package (double click the package)
  6. edit the file Package Control.sublime-settings in downloaded Package Control.sublime-package and replace the code that you copied in github
  7. save and close Package Control.sublime-package
  8. start Sublime Text 3 and wait to install package and restart

Its better to use the packages which are fully supported in your Sublime Text 3 version.

  1. You can browse packages easily from: https://packagecontrol.io as well as see their compatibility.

  2. Another method can be simply go to to your Sublime Text 3 > Install packages & Install the package you need. Here; you only see the packages supported in your Sublime Text 3 version.

Hope it helps...

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