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How to commit/push a Git tag with Gradle?

I have created a specific Gradle task that should only be called in the Jenkins build system. I need to make this task depend on another one which should tag the HEAD of the master branch after a successful compilation of the project.

I have no idea how can I commit/push/add tags to a specific branch in remote repository using Gradle. What's the easiest way to achieve this?

Any help is really appreciated...

Here's how you can implement your scenario with the Gradle Git plugin . The key is to look at the provided Javadocs of the plugin.

buildscript {
   repositories { 

   dependencies { 
      classpath 'org.ajoberstar:gradle-git:0.6.1'

import org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.tasks.GitTag
import org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.tasks.GitPush

ext.yourTag = "REL-${project.version.toString()}"

task createTag(type: GitTag) {
   repoPath = rootDir
   tagName = yourTag
   message = "Application release ${project.version.toString()}"

task pushTag(type: GitPush, dependsOn: createTag) {
   namesOrSpecs = [yourTag]

I love this:

private void createReleaseTag() {
    def tagName = "release/${project.version}"
    ("git tag $tagName").execute()
    ("git push --tags").execute()

EDIT: A more extensive version

private void createReleaseTag() {
    def tagName = "release/${version}"
    try {
        runCommands("git", "tag", "-d", tagName)
    } catch (Exception e) {
    runCommands("git", "status")
    runCommands("git", "tag", tagName)

private String runCommands(String... commands) {
    def process = new ProcessBuilder(commands).redirectErrorStream(true).start()
    def result = ''
    process.inputStream.eachLine { result += it + '\n' }
    def errorResult = process.exitValue() == 0
    if (!errorResult) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(result)
    return result

You can handle Exception.

You can use Exec as pointed in above comment or use JGit to push tag. Create a plugin / class in java and use it gradle

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