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defined path from php to javascript

I have a little problem with the syntax in Javascript. I want to work with a defined variable for a path in Javascript.

    function checkusername(){
        var u = _("username").value;
        if(u != ""){
              _("unamestatus").innerHTML = 'checking ...';
              var ajax = ajaxObj("POST", "http://localhost:8888/.../file.php");
              ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
                    if(ajaxReturn(ajax) == true) {
                          _("unamestatus").innerHTML = ajax.responseText;

Now I want to set for


a defined variable from php


You'd either have to retrieve that constant via an AJAX call, or embed it into the Javascript at the time PHP is building the page.


define('your_url', 'http://.....');

<script type="text/javascript">

var url = <?php echo json_encode(your_url) ?>;

     var ajax = ajaxOBJ('POST', url);

Note that if the sole purpose of this constant is to hold a url that's passed to javascript and is otherwise never used in PHP, you might as well just use a variable - Javascript could not alter the PHP/server-side value anyways, so it's effectively a constant.

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