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How to set/active bootstrap tooltip using javascript?

I'm so frustrated that I cannot solve this simple question. How to programmingly set/active bootstrap tooltip?

For example, we are at page: http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/javascript.html#tooltips and let's open the chrome console and make tooltip work on the fly on the 'home' link in the left up corner.

var home = $($('.navbar li a')[0]);// select that home link
home.tooltip({title:'wthhhh'}); // set the default title

Step 3 doesn't bring up the tooltip.

Any help?

EDIT: I understand bootstrap has got a major update, but I believe it's irrelevant. Tooltip doesn't seem change.

By default bootstrap's tooltip is placed on top of the element, and since you're selecting the top nav bar, it's appearing off the screen - you can't really see it, but it's there.

If you change the tooltip placement from top (default) to bottom you will be able to see it correctly:

var home = $($('.navbar li a')[0]);
home.tooltip({title: 'wthhhh', placement: 'bottom'})

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