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Capturing logentry history in post_save signal django

I have written a post_save signal that is like this :

def send_something(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    user = LogEntry.objects.get(
            content_type_id = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance).pk,
             object_id      =  instance.pk,
             action_flag    =   1

post_save.connect(send_something, sender=ClassName)

But I get a DoesNotExist LogEntry matching query does not exist when I try to add a ClassName object from the admin.

Why does it happen ? Why is the history not available at the time of post_save ? Isn't my object saved yet ?


Is this LogEntry being saved somewhere else? Because you're trying to retrieve a log entry after a post save, but those logentries are only created automatically when using the Admin. If you're not using it, chances are that these logs are not being saved. You could use this post_save signal to create those entries first.

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