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Facebook SDK 3.6 Open Graph Error Message

Im trying to use the new Share Dialog and it works fine when the facebook app is not installed and im sharing with my own viewcontroller:

if (!call) {
        // Fallback to customized share UI
        MyShareViewController *viewController = [[MyShareViewController alloc] initWithItem:object
        [_delegate showFallbackShareDialog:viewController];


So this code only gets called when the facebook app isnt installed. When it is installed the device opens the facebook app and here the user can type a message which will be included in the open graph action


But after a few second my devices switches back to my app and this error shows up:

Error: Error Domain=com.facebook.Facebook.platform Code=102 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.Facebook.platform error 102.)" UserInfo=xxxx {error_code=102, action_id=xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx, error_message=Could not generate preview text, app_id=xxxxx}

I've been searching the web for an explanation but just can't find whats wrong. Does somebody know what this error means?

EDIT notice the greyed out "Post" button.

Check following

  1. FacebookDisplayName is set properly and correct in plist's URL Scheme
  2. fbxxxxxxxxxxx is added in your plist file
  3. FacebookAppID is set correctly in plist file
  4. in Status & Review section Make sure you have "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" make as YES (By default it's No)

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