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Can I detect that a particular permission has been removed for my android app?

So with the arrival of Android 4.3 comes the ability to selectively disable particular permissions for apps .

This could obviously cause problems where an app loses a permission it needs to operate correctly.

Does the system broadcast a message when a permission is revoked, or how could I tell that my app no longer has a certain permission? Ideally I would like to inform the user that turning off permission A will break xyz in the application.

There is no broadcast, but you can check permissions yourself on startup(or resume, etc). Context#checkCallingOrSelfPermission() is provided for this.

If you want to check all your permissions, you could do something like this:

public static boolean[] getPermissionsGranted(Context context, String[] permissions){
    boolean[] permissionsGranted = new boolean[permissions.length];
    for(int i=0;i<permissions.length;i++){
        int check = context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(permissions[i]);
        permissionsGranted[i] = (check == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED);
    return permissionsGranted;

Where the input Strings are the permissions' names, such as "android.permission.INTERNET" .

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