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Typo3 backend module form error

I have no idea why, but the error just disappear without any changes. Now it works. I have not change anything. (I deleted cache many times so it cannot be because of the cache)


I created an extension using extension builder (if anyone knows any good documentation please give me link because official documentation does not have any examples). I have a form and when I submit the form I have the error

TYPO3 v4.7

The action "formSave" (controller "Promoters") is not allowed by this plugin. Please check Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::configurePlugin() in your ext_localconf.php.

I created ext_localconf.php according to typo's wiki.

Form code

<f:form action="formSave" name="" object="">
  <f:form.textfield id="emailResendInterval" name="emailResendInterval" value="" />
  <f:form.textarea cols="30" rows="5" id="emails" name="emails" value="" />
  <f:form.submit name="submit" value="Save" />


if (!defined ('TYPO3_MODE')) die ('Access denied.');
if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF'][$_EXTKEY]['registerSinglePlugin']) {
    // fully fletged blog
        $_EXTKEY,                                                                   // The extension name (in UpperCamelCase) or the extension key (in lower_underscore)
        'Promoters',                                                                        // A unique name of the plugin in UpperCamelCase
        array (                                                                     // An array holding the controller-action-combinations that are accessible
            'Promoters' => 'configuration,formSave',        // The first controller and its first action will be the default
        array(                                                                      // An array of non-cachable controller-action-combinations (they must already be enabled)
} else {
        $_EXTKEY,                                                                   // The extension name (in UpperCamelCase) or the extension key (in lower_underscore)
        'Promoters',                                                                        // A unique name of the plugin in UpperCamelCase
        array (                                                                     // An array holding the controller-action-combinations that are accessible
            'Promoters' => 'configuration,formSave',        // The first controller and its first action will be the default
        array(                                                                      // An array of non-cachable controller-action-combinations (they must already be enabled)


class Tx_Promoters_Controller_PromotersController extends Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController {

     * action configuration
     * @return void
    public function configurationAction() {


     * action formSave
     * @return void
    public function formSaveAction() {



Seems fine actually, I'm not sure about the if statemant in the localconf though. Please try this:

        if (!defined ('TYPO3_MODE')) die ('Access denied.');

            // fully fletged blog
                array (
                    'Promoters' => 'configuration,formSave', 

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