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Remove child nodes (or elements) or set innerHTML=“”?

When clearing HTML elements such as select boxes, tables, or lists, is it better/faster to remove the nodes (eg, select.options.remove(i) , table.deleteRow(i) ) or just empty the innerHTML (eg, select.innerHTML = "" )? Or does it matter?

An example case would be reinitializing a table. A specific select field's value should load different values for a subsequent HTML table. When the select value changes, the table needs to be reinitialized.

In IE you cannot set the innerHTML of a select element . So for a cross-browser solution the only way is to add/remove child nodes.

I made a new test that isn't broken.


It's not perfect either since part of the sample setup is part of the test so this might skew the results.

This gives that innerHTML is faster but I don't know by how much.

Per this conversation here: What is the best way to empty an node in JavaScript

It appears that the while (elm.firstChild) {elm.removeChild(elm.firstChild);} approach got the the best results across browsers in this test .

(Would have put this as a comment instead of an answer, but the comments are coming in awful fast, so I didn't want it to get lost.)

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