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How to add three days to a given date in JavaScript?

I have one text box. When I enter a date with the format MM/DD/YYYY in that textbox and click outside the textbox I need to display the result as MM/DD/YYYY+3 using JavaScript.

For example, if my date is 12/31/2013 then the result would be 01/03/2014.

Hope this link will help you to find the answer:

adding-number-of-days-to-an-entered-date-in-javascript .

Have a look at the excellent library moment.js with which you easily can add three days to your original date.

In your case it would be something like:

var input = moment(myTextBoxValue);
input.add('d', 3); // input is now 3 days later

I guess the easiest to program and best readable solution would be to use a dedicated library for handling dates, such as Moment.js .

There, you have got the add function which allows you to add an arbitrary amount of time to a given point in time. Eg:

moment().add('days', 7);

If you use the moment function to parse the time entered, use that as your source value, call add on it, and return it as JavaScript Date using the toDate function , you get exactly what you want.

So basically it comes down to:

var sourceDate = moment(new Date(2013, 7, 8)),
    targetDate = sourceDate.add('days', 3),
    result = targetDate.toDate();

Then, result contains the Date object you wanted to have.

I'd prefer that over native JavaScript handling of Date , as it is way more readble and hence understandable.

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