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"404 Resource Not Found" From Azure Blob Storage Document from PUT

During a PUT request, with the proper Authorization header, which creates a new BLOB, my process is getting a "404 Resource Not Found" error when I attempt to PUT a file into a container.


The container name and the account name are both correct.

Why is it failing?

Here are raw request headers:

PUT /testss HTTP/1.1
Host: accountName.blob.core.windows.net
Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
0: content-encoding
1: content-language
2: content-length
3: content-md5
4: content-type
5: date
6: if-modified-since
7: if-match
8: if-none-match
9: if-unmodified-since
10: range
x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob
x-ms-version: 2011-08-18
x-ms-date: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 04:17:59 GMT
Content-Length: 126377
Authorization: SharedKey accountName:MBVLmoxzxZr+tf8EZw2GkbFLEHuNn8FNAaEHrcty/cM=
Expect: 100-continue

Here is the string to sign that I sent:

PUT x-ms-blob-type:BlockBlob x-ms-date:Fri, 09 Aug 2013 04:03:20 GMT x-ms-version:2011-08-18 /accountName/test

And here is what they expected:

PUT 126377 x-ms-blob-type:BlockBlob x-ms-date:Fri, 09 Aug 2013 04:02:17 GMT x-ms-version:2011-08-18 /accountName/test

The only difference between the two is the 126377 after PUT . That's the content length of the file, I'm just not sure how to remove it.

Have you checked the security settings of the Blob container? It might be that you don't have enough access rights.

1 - In the Azure Storage Explorer application do these steps to change/verify access.

  1. Right click the container's blob in question
  2. Select Set Public Access Level
  3. Set to at least Public read access for blobs only .
  4. Apply.


OR 2 - or In the Azure Portal Panel select

  • Storage account >
  • from Blob service Section Select " Blob " >
  • Select Blob or Blobs that you want to change the access permission >
  • Select " Access policy " >
  • from the Drop Down menu select " Blob " or " Container " anonymous access based on your needs

Check your container. In the new portal, click the ellipses next to it and Edit. Then set the Access type to either Blob or Container if you want to allow listing of the container.

Microsoft seems to have bumped up the security and made new containers private by default.

  1. Select your storage account
  2. Select Container
  3. Check the checkbox of your container
  4. Click on Change Access level

按照图片中的 1 - 4 步骤

  1. After clicking on the button Change Access level , you will see the below screen
  2. Change the option as per your requirement.


You should use Fiddler to verify that you are sending the request you think you are. You can then compare the Fiddler request with the documentation.

Does the container already exist? It is worth using a 3rd-party storage explorer to verify that it does.

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