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How to implement generic method with constraints

from my title it might be a little hard to understand what I'm trying to achieve, so I'll go a little further into detail.

I have the following interface:

public interface IModelBuilder<T>
    where T : IStandardTemplateTemplate
    M Build<M>(T pTemplate, params object[] pParams) where M : BaseModel;

Now I want to implement the interface in my actual builder. The builder I use to map different object types. So this looks as follows:

public class BusinessModelBuilder : IModelBuilder<IBusinessTemplate>
    public virtual M Build<M>(IBusinessTemplate pTemplate, params object[] pParams) where M : BussinessModel
        var businessModel = Activator.CreateInstance<M>();

        // map data

        return businessModel;

Now the problem is the following. I can't get the constraint to work. Since I defined the constraint on the interface it won't let me use a different constraint on my actual method, even though my BusinessModel inherits from BaseModel. It keeps telling me my constraint M must match the constraint from the interface. I tried several different approaches, but none seem to work.

Does anyone know if or how this can be achieved? I just want to tell my constraint in the interface that inherited models are allowed.

Here's a short but complete example of your problem:

public class Parent { }
public class Child { }

public interface Interface
    void Foo<T>() where T : Parent;

public class Implementation : Interface
    public void Foo<T>() where T : Child


This won't compile, for the same reason that yours won't. The implementation of the interface method must have the exact same constraint on the generic argument, it can't have a more restrictive constraint.

Your Build method can only constrain the type to BaseModel , not BussinessModel .

If you alter your IModelBuilder interface to add an additional class level generic argument, and then use that as the constraint, then you can get the desired functionality:

public interface IModelBuilder<T, Model>
    where T : IStandardTemplateTemplate
    where Model : BaseModel
    M Build<M>(T pTemplate, params object[] pParams) where M : Model;

public class BusinessModelBuilder : IModelBuilder<IBusinessTemplate, BussinessModel>
    public virtual M Build<M>(IBusinessTemplate pTemplate, params object[] pParams)
        where M : BussinessModel
        var businessModel = Activator.CreateInstance<M>();

        // map data

        return businessModel;

This solution is based in part on Reed's answer but which takes it a step further.

You'll need to put both in as class constraints:

public interface IModelBuilder<T, M>
    where T : IStandardTemplateTemplate
    where M : BaseModel
    M Build<M>(T pTemplate, params object[] pParams);

You can then use:

public class BusinessModelBuilder : IModelBuilder<IBusinessTemplate, BusinessModel>
   public virtual BusinessModel Build(IBusinessTemplate pTemplate, params object[] pParams)

You can define your interface little bit differently to include eg

public interface IModelBuilder<T,M>
    where T : IStandardTemplateTemplate
    where M: BaseModel
    M Build<M>(T pTemplate, params object[] pParams);

and use it like below

public class BusinessModelBuilder : IModelBuilder<IBusinessTemplate,BusinessModelBuilder>

This is because the constraint is actually different, so it does not satisfy the interface.

IModelBuilder<IBusinessTemplate> sample = new BusinessModelBuilder();

The compiler would be expecting the arguments to Build to be a BaseModel , but since you can have a type inheriting from BaseModel that is not a BusinessModel , this is obviously invalid.

Now, to get to the actual meat of the problem, you can solve this with another generic argument.

 public interface IModelBuilder<TemplateType, ConstraintType>
     public ConstraintType Build<ConstraintType>(TemplateType template, params object[] parameters);

Alternatively, you can switch things around and get some generic type inference if you really want to go crazy (assuming this is even applicable to your argument):

public interface IStandardTemplate<TModel> { }

public interface IModelBinder<TModel>
     TModel ApplyParameters(IStandardTemplate<TModel> template, params object[] parameters);

public class ModelBuilder
      public TModel Build<TModel>(IStandardTemplate<TModel> template, params object[] parameters)
          var model = Activator.CreateInstance<TModel>();

          var modelBinder = ModelBinderFactory.CreateBinderFor(model);

          return modelBinder.ApplyParameters(template, parameters);

Then you can simply make various ModelBinder classes and associate them in your factory.

Example call:

  public class BusinessTemplate : IStandardTemplate<BusinessModel> { }

  var businessTemplate = new BusinessTemplate();
  var model = new ModelBinder().Build(businessTemplate); // model is of type 'BusinessModel'

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