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Jquery check if checkbox checked

Somthing is wrong with this code.

I have div box and when click on Coutries title he shows the list of countries. that list contain 5 check box

  • Germania
  • USA
  • Serbia
  • France

Fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ikac/bfaH5/

I have problem when i try to check if some countury checked..

   searchContainer: function() {

        var title = $(".title-search");

         // On click show countury list 


                    // check if sothing checked

                    if ($("#france").is(':checked')) {
                        alert("France Selected");

                        // Show all cities from this countury


But when i check a country nothing happens....

First time i try this:

if($("#france").checked = true)) {

But when i click on title and when fadeToggle is done he show alert(FRANCE) whitout checking.


<!DOCTYPE html>

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script src="javascript/gfactory.js"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/gfactory.css">

            $(document).ready(function() {



        <form name="search">

            <div class="search-box"> 
                <div class="title-search"> Counturies </div>
                <div class="state">
                    <ul class="s_list">
                        <li><input id="ger" type="checkbox" value="gr">Germania</li>
                        <li><input id="usa" type="checkbox" value="usa">USA</li>
                        <li><input id="sr" type="checkbox" value="sl"> Serbia </li>
                        <li><input id="france" type="checkbox" value="fr">France </li>

And i try to use .length > 0 but nothing again. What i do wrong?


If you prefer to use the CSS selector approach, you can do this:

var c = $('#france').is(":checked");


var c = $('#france').prop("checked");

.prop() is probably the better choice.

From here: http://api.jquery.com/prop/ - is() and prop(), while they retrieve different things, both work reliably. While using attr() has a different meaning - it retrieves only the default value

I have created a fiddle here for you.


Below code you used for checking the Checkbox checked property is correct.

    if ($("#france").is(':checked')) {
        alert("France Selected");

EDIT: When you click again on Countries when States fade in, the checked is still true and it shows the alert.

Hope this can help you..

   var title = $(".title-search");

   title.click( function(){ 
    var selected = '';
    $('.s_list input:checked').each(function() {
     selected += $(this).attr('id') +  ',';
            alert('selected: ' + selected);

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