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make a custom url for create action with RESTful routing

In Rails 4 I'm trying to make a custom root for a particular action in the users controller, so i want my restful resources for users still like they are, but change only the url for the create action and make it to be for example /account/register . I'm trying do this as the follow but it seem not work :

resources :users, except: [:create] # first i eliminate creation of create root
resources :users, path: "account/register", as: :users, only: [:create] # then i just try to make a custom route for only create action

i want still using users_path and not change any of my routing helper in the view, please any idea ?

How about:

post "/account/register" => "users#create", as: :users

This will create a route where /account/register points to UsersController#create. This can be referenced with users_path .


match '/account/register' => 'user#create', via: :post

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