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Paypal express checkout error (10445:This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later)in php

In my site, Paypal express checkout was working correctly in sandbox mode. Today i changed it to live,then while i trying to make payment , iam getting an error response .

error message = This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later. error code =10445

    [TIMESTAMP] => 2013%2d08%2d18T01%3a10%3a34Z
    [CORRELATIONID] => 2bd700a8eea48
    [ACK] => Failure
    [VERSION] => 76%2e0
    [BUILD] => 7319395
    [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10445
    [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => This%20transaction%20cannot%20be%20processed%20at%20this%20time%2e%20Please%20try%20again%20later%2e
    [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This%20transaction%20cannot%20be%20processed%20at%20this%20time%2e%20Please%20try%20again%20later%2e
    [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error

I searched it about paypal.And in paypal , description about this error is

"Inform the customer an error occurred and to retry the transaction. Offer the customer a quick link to restart the Express Checkout flow and redirect the customer back to PayPal."

Don't getting any idea.

Now my site will get ,if and only if VPN is connected.Is it a problem for live payments?

Any help appreciated

I was having the same problem and, after several hours reading docs, I,ve found that it was caused by the price used to test. We were using a too low price, what means that Paypal could not apply its taxes (without the taxes become higher than price itself).

So, I recommend you to find out what is the taxes to your region and choose a test price (or the final price) higher than taxes. It could solve that mess.

Actually the problem was related to Paypal Merchant account. That account was blocked by Paypal. Now we created new paypal account and its working fine.Nothing was related to code

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