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replace a clone element with a new clone element

With Jquery, I am trying to add a clone element and remove the previously added element. Adding a clone element is working but removing the previously added element is not working (it removes all the clone elements). I am using "not()" function but it is not filtering as I want it to.

I searched through the web but could not find a solution so your help will be greatly appreciated!


<div id="clone-container">
   <!--cloned element comes here-->

<div id="original-container">



    $('#original-container > ul > li').click(function(event){

       //for adding clone elements
       var $selected_clone = $(this).children("span").clone();

       $selected_clone.appendTo("#clone-container > ul > li");

       // for removing previously added elements
       $("#clone-container > ul > li > span").not($selected_clone).remove();


Remove the appendTo code execution and replace below

$("#clone-container > ul > li > span").not($selected_clone).remove();


$("#clone-container > ul > li > span").html($selected_clone.html());

Hope this will help !!

Check this out.. http://jsbin.com/uZij/1/


  <div id="clone-container">
   <!--cloned element comes here-->

<div id="original-container">



    $('#original-container > ul > li').click(function(event){

       //for adding clone elements
       var $selected_clone = $(this).clone();
       $selected_clone.appendTo("#clone-container > ul");

       // for removing previously added elements
       $("#clone-container > ul > li").not($selected_clone).remove();


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