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WebStorm and PHPStorm debug php and js at same time

Imagine I have a test.html file which contains a jQuery line which calls a test.php file like in the example below:

        <title>Debug test</title>
        <script src="jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready( function()
                jQuery('#testdiv').load('test.php' );

        <div id="testdiv">

Now imagine the php file test.php returns a result like in the example below:


function test()
    echo "Ok called me!";

The two files of course run under a server like Apache.

What I'd like to accomplish would be something like in NetBeans Java EE debug: put a debug breakpoint in test.php fun() function and one in the jquery call inside test.html, then call localhost/test.html and see the first breakpoint inside jquery call being hit and then the second breakpoint inside test.php being hit.

How can I obtain (if possible) this using jetBrains Intellidea WebStorm and PHPStorm? Thank you

Solution :

As LazyOne suggested I should use "zero configuration" option inside PhpStorm, complete instructions at jetbrains/...

Below is a description of the steps:

  1. Install Xdebug (sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug)
  2. Add inside /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini the lines:


  3. restart apache: "service apache2 restart"

  4. check Xdebug is enabled "php --version" should show "with xDebug vx.x"
  5. Toggle the “Listen debugger connections” button. 侦听调试连接 , this will listen for incoming connections to the test.php script
  6. Set a breakpoint in the test.php source code
  7. Activate the xdebug debugger, to do this we need to set a special GET/POST or COOKIE parameter. You can do it manually, but it is much more convenient to use a special online tool bookmerklets generator


  8. Open localhost/test.php and you will see a request to start debugging at line of test.php.

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