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Asp.net MVC release config custom javascript issue

After publishing the website i am getting javascript errors like

TypeError: jQuery.validator is undefined

Works fine when i switch to Degbug mode in web.config

any suggestion please.




Here is the final html output

<script src="/bundles/jquery?v=OCFAn1NcaUrZ5VLi0Kt8lefDjHOF7mvtdw-2FUpZjJ01">
<script src="/bundles/zurb?v=bCGUiMpF-XN8v4h86_MNVwMElh2rda9wV-KjB32HHzI1">
<script src="/bundles/jqueryval?v=23P9NAiLRvyuRmVPUho09NX8j4Fx7j2ipaSeSYZ2-mY1">
<script src="/Scripts/jquery.validate.additional-methods.min.js">
<script src="/Scripts/jquery.creditcard2.pack-1.0.1.js">
<script src="/Scripts/startdateAdapters.js">
<script src="/Scripts/expiredateAdapters.js">

am i doing some thing wrong?

Make sure that the properties of your Javascript file in the Solution Pane is flagged as "Content" to be published.

Check you bundles configuration, try removing the validator from the bundle for instance

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